Empowering emerging credit union leaders with global perspectives.


By Bridging the Leadership Gap using the World Council Young Credit Union Professionals (WYCUP) program, we intentionally share and develop strategies putting young professionals in positions of leadership to effect change and advance engagement in credit unions and their communities.

Impact of Your Gift: Meet Esther

Ms. Esther Rajadurai, Senior Policy Analyst & Economist for the Customer Owned Banking Association (COBA) in Sydney, Australia, chair of COBA’s Emerging Leader Committee and WYCUP Affiliates Council member. She leverages her leadership position and passion to advocate for greater regulatory balance for Australia’s credit unions and creating connections between established and young leaders in her country through a mentorship program.

"I'm an international student who moved to Australia and joined the credit union movement eight years ago. I know different people from diverse backgrounds can bring new ideas to the table for our movement. In our fast changing, global landscape, there is no better time to share our story and carry on the rich legacy of our sector."


WYCUP Resources


Leadership Relevance: Esther Rajadurai

Meet Ms. Esther Rajadurai, Senior Policy Analyst & Economist for the Customer Owned Banking Association (COBA) in Sydney, Australia, chair of COBA’s Emerging Leader Committee and WYCUP Affiliates Council member. She leverages her leadership position and passion to advocate for greater regulatory balance for Australia’s credit unions and creating connections between established and young leaders in her country through a mentorship program.

Be on the WYCUP Affiliates Council!

In 2022, the WYCUP Affiliates Council will follow a thematic journey that spotlights the efforts of emerging leaders and shares impactful initiatives that drive professional development and empower youth. These interactive sessions include breakout discussions where you can explore the issues with your peers around the world.

2023 Impact: Bridging the Leadership Gap

See how World Council's Young Credit Union Professionals WYCUP program brought leadership relevance to thousands of credit union young professionals worldwide using virtual platforms and a global network during 2021.

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Total Donation: US$25.00

Monthly giving makes a huge difference to less fortunate members worldwide.

Donations happen on the same date every month that you signed up, but can be changed in the donor portal.

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Box 78974
Milwaukee WI 53278-8974

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